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Salem Sate College Advisory Board Minutes October 18, 2010
Salem state University neighborhood
advisory committee
October 18, 2010 – Minutes

Attendees: Beth Bower, Maureen Fry, Marcia Lambert, Kathy Neville, and Jason Silva

Absent: Jack Hoar, Julie Goutzos, Robert McCarthy, Joseph O’Keefe, James Rose, John Ronan, Andrew Soll, and John Walsh

Other: Linwood & Anne Marie Balentine

Marsh Hall
The parts to fix the rooftop equipment on Marsh Hall have arrived and should be installed within the next two weeks.

Library/Learning Commons
No additional progress has been made in the construction of this facility.

All notices received from the Community Impact Unit have been reviewed and all students involved have met with the Assistant Dean of Student Life as stated in the neighborhood disturbance policy. No further reports have been made as of this meeting.
Liz Vago called the city regarding a house on Summit Avenue that had a part on Saturday night that police did not respond to despite the call. Jason will look into this.

Loring Avenue
Mrs. Balentine took notice of the cars parked along Loring Avenue, particularly those blocking her driveway, and gave the SSU sticker numbers to Beth.
Beth walked Loring Avenue last week and counted 14 Marsh Hall stickers.
There was a meeting in the residence halls regarding parking at the time of this SSUNAC meeting to determine why students are parking on the streets instead of the lots.
There will be an article drafted for the upcoming Log that addresses parking.
The next step following the meeting and article will be placing notifications of the parking polices on the windshields of cars parked in the neighborhood.
It was questioned if SSU Campus Police could run plates on cars without SSU stickers. The university answered that this cannot be done easily.
It was questioned if SSU Campus Police can ticket cars illegally parked. Campus Police does not have jurisdiction to ticket. This is up to Salem Police. Illegal parking issues include: parking too close to driveways; parking too close to hydrants; parking in no parking zones; an illegal overnight parking. Jason Silva noted that one new seasonal parking enforcement position was added that should allow for more ticketing during evening hours. Mr. Silva will talk to the parking department about getting this person to the neighborhood around campus for parking enforcement.

HVAC System at Building 1 Update
The system has been shut down for the season. By the next cooling season, the DX units should be moved to the former Weir property which should decrease the noise come spring. Baffles have also been added to the remaining cooling tower.

Baseball Field
Residents who attended the last SSUNAC meeting discussed continued issues with ball field parking. Signs stating “No Ball Field Parking” are in process under the supervision of Lt. Preczewski.

Residents complained to the South Salem Neighborhood Association executive committee and at the SSNA meeting about field users parking in the neighborhood. Photos of the parked cars were shared with the university. Beth Bower reviewed the photos and the complaints with the Athletics Department. They have re-stressed the parking restrictions with renters.

Central Campus Environmental Updates
No new updates. The second round of testing has taken place and the results have not changed since the first round 15 years ago. The LSP is working on any additional testing required. The university is required to submit a report to the DEP in February 2011. Findings will be presented at a future SSUNAC meeting.

Residence Life will have more staff on duty during the week before and weekend of Halloween. All graduate assistants and hall directors will be on sight Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Halloween weekend.

The next meeting will take place on Monday, November 15, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.